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(пребывающий в Сансаре)
2015/09/25 02:11
Предложение Инвесторов-Реально или нет new архив 

You know that after the crisis, all financial institutions follows exactly this procedure.

The financing conditions are the below-mentioned:

1. The sum of the credit- EUR 50-150 M
2. The period of the credit- 10 years
3. Grace period- 5 years.
4. The percentage of the credit- 4 % annual
5. The guarantee of the credit – is insurance policy, Promissory Note (without aval bank) of your Client's company.
6. Insurance fee- 2 % The payment for the insurance policy is performed once during 10 years.

The sum of the insurance is 1.000.000-3.000.000 EUR.

The insurance company will be Lloyds Insurance Company (Lloyds TSB Group), Talison Management Insurance Company which will take all risk of the credit on themselves. The payment for the insurance policy is performed to the account of the insurance company Lloyds Insurance Company (Lloyds TSB Group), Talison Management Insurance Company.

The payment for the insurance policy is performed to the account of the insurance company after the following procedure:

a. after signing the credit contract.

b. after signing the contract with the insurance company.

c. after receiving the guarantee letter of our corporation for fulfilling the duties according to the credit contract. This guarantee letter will be issued on the fulfillment of all duties of our corporation according to the credit contract, we will return the sum paid for the insurance policy plus 2% of penalty of total loan amount in case our corporation fails to fulfill these duties. This guarantee letter if very important factor for any bank or any financial institution in the world. Our corporation's assets for the year 2014 were 85 Billion EUR confirmed by international auditors. Also, the shareholders of our corporation
are the BSI Bank itself, Lloyds insurance company, BTA Insurance Company,Habib Bank, AIG Group, Morgan&Morgan Group, etc.

d. After receiving the confirm letter ( from TOP BANK ) about the presence of our funds on the account of our corporation .

In case you are able to present a top Bank Guarantee
against our funds, then we do not need to insure our funds.

We are sending to you the drafts of contracts for your Client's lawyers getting acquainted with.

1. Drafts of the credit contacts.
2. Draft of the contract with the insurance company.
3. Draft of the insurance policy.
4. Draft of the Promissory Note.
5. Draft of the guarantee letter of our corporation.
6. CIS (Client Information Summay).

If you agree with our conditions then please send us :

Then write to us an official letter ( CIS( Client Information Summay),LOI,Full address of the
Borrower's company,etc,,).
Registration list of your Client's company.
Photocopy of the passport of the person who is responsible to sign the contract.
Bank details of Borrower's company( EURO account OR USD account).
Short business plan.


(устремленный к вершинам)
2015/12/17 18:29
Re: Предложение Инвесторов-Реально или нет [re: gladkiyn]архив 

РАЗВОД!!! Не ведитесь и не тратьте время! Мне писали двое таких ребятишек, одни "BEVERLY MANAGEMENT LIMITED" называли себя, другие типа французы. Личные данные им ни в коем случае не высылать!!!!
Как обнаружил:
1) французы типа не понимают по русски, при этом пишут по русски лучше многих россиян. По телефону или скайпу не созваниваются, даже когда пишешь им по французски)))
2) Англичане - компания левая по факту. Фейковые лицензии. Нет уставных документов. Пробил по IP, трафик идет из Нигерии. Созвонились по скайпу - акцент у человека ни капли не Великобританский, ближе к южно африканскому. Номер телефона не официальный в Великобритании и т.д.

И те и другие быстро пропали как только поняли что ничего не светит им.

(ступивший на Путь)
2015/12/22 11:32
Re: Предложение Инвесторов-Реально или нет new [re: gladkiyn]архив 

Стандартный развод на деньги, как и прочие "предложения инвесторов", где требуется что-то оплатить.

2016/02/16 12:03
Re: Предложение Инвесторов-Реально или нет new [re: gladkiyn]архив 

Развод. Таких много.

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